Spatial mobility of the employed population and occupational structure of the labour force in industry of the Tuzla valley

  • Rahman Nurković
Keywords: daily migrations, distribution of industry, Tuzla valley, skilled labour


The objective of this paper is to show, to a certain extent, daily migrations of labour force in industry of the Tuzla valley. In addition to Tuzla, the three centres are distinguished according to importance of their function of work: Lukavac, Živinice and Banovići. On one hand, we have a strong concentration of industrial jobs, and on the other, almost unindustrialised remaining territory.


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Author Biography

Rahman Nurković

Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Email:


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How to Cite
Nurković R. (2007). Spatial mobility of the employed population and occupational structure of the labour force in industry of the Tuzla valley. Journal for Geography, 2(2), 45-52.
Scientific Articles