Road as morphological element of the town

  • Vladimir Drozg University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Department of Geography; Maribor, Slovenia.
Keywords: urban geography, linear space, road, Ptujska cesta, Tezno, Maribor


Road as morphological element of town structure have so far not often been the subject of research in urban geography. The paper brings an example of interpretation the road from morphological point of view. Roads are multi-functional objects; in addition to their technical role, they play an important social, economic and formative role. Ptujska street in Maribor was a case study for this approach.


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Author Biography

Vladimir Drozg, University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Department of Geography; Maribor, Slovenia.



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How to Cite
Drozg V. (2020). Road as morphological element of the town. Journal for Geography, 15(2), 7-32.
Scientific Articles