Problems and Perspectives of Organic Farming in Slovene Istria

  • Dane Podmenik Adam
  • Simon Kerma Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska
Keywords: Slovene Istria, Slovenia, rural areas, sustainable development, organic farming


In Slovene Istria, natural conditions for the development of organic farming are good, though we have only witnessed the rise of organic farming over the last few years. Due to the lack of data related to organic farming in Slovene Istria, field-work was conducted in spring 2008 with some additional research in 2009. Questionnaires and interviews with organic farmers include various aspects: characteristics of their farming activities, demographic and socio-economic features, and others. The prevailing branches of organic farms in Slovene Istria are olivegrowing and mixed production. We can also mention a very high educational level of farmers and positive age-structure of households on organic farms. Possible perspectives related to organic farming in the studied area have been discussed in the conclusion of the paper.


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Author Biographies

Dane Podmenik Adam

Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail:

Simon Kerma, Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska

Koper, Slovenia. E-mail:


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How to Cite
Podmenik Adam D., & Kerma S. (2009). Problems and Perspectives of Organic Farming in Slovene Istria. Journal for Geography, 4(2), 143-156.
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