Labour Market Skill Deficiencies in The Tourism and Hospitality Industry

  • Marija Rok
Keywords: labour market, employers, national vocational qualification, certification, non-formal learning, informal learning


The Slovenian tourism and hospitality labour market suffers from several deficiencies and structural imbalances. This paper focuses on one solution to these problems in terms of certifications of accredited national vocational qualifications. The tenth anniversary of Slovenia’s adoption of the National Professional Qualifications Act seems a convenient time to evaluate the results of this certification system and meas- ure the benefits. A survey was conducted on a sample of employers in the tourism and hospitality industry. Using quantitative data analysis as well as a correlation and multivariate factor analysis, the major deficiencies in the implementation of the certification system were identified.


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Author Biography

Marija Rok

University of Primorska, Faculty of Management Koper, Slovenia

Marija Rok studied economics and business at EPF Maribor and holds a M.Sc. in management from the Faculty of Management Koper, where she also completed her specialization in management in education. She works at the Faculty of Tourism Studies Turistica Portorož. In addition to pedagogical and research work, she also participates in project groups comprising tourism and HR. Her main points of interest in academic and applied research are studies of tourism, lifelong learning, recognition of non-formal and informal learning, and the labour market.


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How to Cite
Rok M. (2012). Labour Market Skill Deficiencies in The Tourism and Hospitality Industry. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 58(3-4), 80-87. Retrieved from