The Impact of Leadership Factors on Deployment of Environmental Component of Sustainable Development in the Organization

  • Nastja Tomšič
  • Blaž Simčič
  • Mirko Markič
Keywords: ISO 14001:2004, environmental component of sustainable development, leadership


The paper presents the results of the research in which the impact of leadership fac- tors on deployment of environmental components of sustainable development (standard ISO 14001:2004) in large Slovenian organizations was studied. Quantitative research was designed based on 96 fully completed questionnaires. The results indicated that the dominant leadership factors positively affecting the implementati- on of the environmental component of sustainable development in organizations, to which managers should give more attention, are vision, credibility, cooperation, responsibility, and orientation to action.


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Author Biographies

Nastja Tomšič

Faculty of Management, University of Primorska, Slovenia

Nastja Tomsic was born on April 14, 1983, in Šempeter pri Gorici. In 2002-2003, she enrolled in the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Nova Gorica. After graduating in 2007, she enrolled in postgraduate study at the Faculty of Management, University of Primorska. Her research interests consist mainly of strategic management and sustainable development.

Blaž Simčič

Faculty of Education Koper, University of Primorska, Slovenia

Blaž Simčič was born on December 29, 1981, in Koper. In 2000-2001, he enrolled in the sociology study programme at the Ljubljana Faculty of Social Sciences, selecting the information society course. He completed his undergraduate studies on December 23, 2005. During his final year of studies, Simčič started participa- ting in research work at the Science and Research Centre of Koper. Since April 2005, he has been working with the Public Opinion Centre, participating in the planning as well as analyses and interpretations of various research projects. In addition to his research work, he has been working as an assistant at the Faculty of Education Koper, University of Primorska.

Mirko Markič

Faculty of Management Koper, University of Primorska, Slovenia

Mirko Markič is a professor of management at the Faculty of Management Koper, University of Primorska. His work includes more than 380 bibliographical items in administrative and organizational sciences. He is also a leader or member of fifteen research and entrepreneurial projects.


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How to Cite
Tomšič N., Simčič B., & Markič M. (2012). The Impact of Leadership Factors on Deployment of Environmental Component of Sustainable Development in the Organization. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 58(3-4), 56-64. Retrieved from