The Formulation of Production Strategy and Competitive Priorities of Production

  • Iva Konda
Keywords: production strategy, strategic planning, competitive priorities of production


The formulation of production strategy includes a discussion about the production strategy, factors of influence or decision-making areas in the production function, and its connection with competitive priorities of production. The production strategy should correspond to and comply with the strategy of an organisation as a whole as well as other specific strategies, particularly marketing. The production strategy is included in the strategic plan of a company as its integral component and a starting point for the formulation of business strategy. Each company should be aware of the importance of the production strategy in order to achieve competitive advantages. The paper shows the production strategy in the selected company.


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Author Biography

Iva Konda

School of Business and Management Novo Mesto, Slovenia

Iva Konda earned her M.Sc. and Ph.D. at the Faculty of Economics Ljubljana in the field of management and organisation as well as marketing. She is a senior lecturer in business sciences at the School of Business and Management Novo Mesto. Her main research interests include marketing, production management, and international business. She combines topical theoretical knowledge with her 15 years of working experience in the industry.


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How to Cite
Konda I. (2012). The Formulation of Production Strategy and Competitive Priorities of Production. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 58(5-6), 64-73. Retrieved from