Economic Analyses of The Cultural and Creative Industries in Slovenia

  • Nika Murovec
  • Damjan Kavaš
Keywords: cultural and creative industries, industrial analysis, occupational analysis, SWOT analysis


This paper presents results of the qualitative and quantitative economic analyses of the cultural and creative industries (CCI), which were carried out within two projects: “Creati- ve Cities” and “The state of design, with a focus on industrial design, as a part of creative industries, and best international practices as a foundation for fostering this sector in Slovenia.” This paper tacked the several methodological issues related to CCI analysis by combining different methodological approaches in order to improve their reliability. The main results of the public sector, industrial, occupational, and SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analyses are described. CCI in Slovenia presented as a potential that has not been fully mobilised. In order to further develop CCI and exploit the economic potential, a comprehensive policy support of CCI at the local, national, and EU levels is needed.


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Author Biographies

Nika Murovec

Institute for Economic Research, Slovenia

Nika Murovec is a research fellow at the Institute for Economic Research. She holds a Ph.D. from the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana. Her past work has focused on the analysis of different aspects of innovation and creative industries. She was involved in several EU (Europe INNOVA, EURODITE, Creative Cities) and national projects, including the Slovenian TRP project “The state of design, with a focus on industrial design, as a part of creative industries, and best international practices as a foundation for fostering this sector in Slovenia”.

Damjan Kavaš

Institute for Economic Research, Slovenia

Damjan Kavaš is researcher at the Institute for Economic Research. He has been involved in the preparation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of programs, strategies, and projects at the EU, national, and regional levels. Lately, he has also been involved in the Slovenian TRP project “The state of design, with a focus on industrial design, as a part of creative industries, and best international practices as a foundation for fostering this sector in Slovenia” and in various EU projects, including Creative Cities, Regiolab, and ACT4PPP.


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How to Cite
Murovec N., & Kavaš D. (2012). Economic Analyses of The Cultural and Creative Industries in Slovenia. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 58(5-6), 23-33. Retrieved from