Professional Development of Elementary School Teachers

  • Melita Moretti
  • Ivan Ropar
  • Adi Moretti
Keywords: Teacher, elementary school, career, development, work experience


Knowledge societies make new demands and expectations of teachers that require changes in their roles and abilities. Teachers must be open to change, prepared to improve their qualifications, and motivated for constant professional development. This also requires the support of head teachers. Through quantitative research, we were able to get a closer look at the opinions elementary school teachers have of their own possibilities for professional development as well as the obstacles they face along the way. The results of the research were compared with theoretical fin- dings, and directions and recommendations for practice were suggested.


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Author Biographies

Melita Moretti

PhD student at the Faculty of Management Koper, University of Primorska, Slovenia

Melita Moretti holds an MA in Management from the University of Primorska. Her research interests include knowledge management, marketing and sales. She participates in international conferences and is the author or co-author of several scientific articles, as well as a member of different project teams in the field of the economy and education. Currently she is preparing a PhD on sustainable deve- lopment of drinking water supplies.

Ivan Ropar

 Faculty of Management Koper, University of Primorska, Slovenia

Ivan Ropar holds an MA in Management from the University of Primorska. His research interests include management and marketing strategies development. He has worked in leading positions in the sales industry where his tasks included ensuring quality management and fostering competitive organizational cultures. He is an INLPTA certified NLP® practicioner and an excellent motivator. He has 16 years of experience in public institutes from the field of education.

Adi Moretti

Student at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia



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How to Cite
Moretti M., Ropar I., & Moretti A. (2013). Professional Development of Elementary School Teachers. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 59(1-2), 45-55. Retrieved from