Flow of Goods Across Customs Territories

  • Marko Cedilnik
Keywords: authorized economic operator (AEO), customs clearance, road transportation, flow of goods, supply chain management, meta-system


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore systemic relationships within sup- ply chains, which are created as a result of passing goods between customs territories. Specifically, this research focuses on how business entities can reduce the time consumed for the execution of mandatory customs controls at border crossings by applying the voluntary implementation of certain legally standardized institutes—in this case, the status of authorized economic operator (AEO).

Design/methodology/approach – The study hypotheses were tested at two levels. The fundamental hypothesis was tested using a survey of participants’ subjective perceptions. To verify the supporting hypothesis, the survey was carried out using numerical techniques (i.e., an analysis of the queuing systems).

Findings – The research results show that acquisition of an AEO certificate can facil- itate the acceleration of the flow of goods across customs territories. To achieve the optimum reduction of time delays caused by interruptions in the flow of goods resulting from controls conducted by authorities, it would be necessary to adapt the road infrastructure at the border crossings.


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Author Biography

Marko Cedilnik

Logistics Sistem Mercator, d.d., Ljubljana , Faculty of Logistics, Celje, Slovenia
E-mail: marko.cedilnik@mercator.si

Marko Cedilnik has been executive director of logistics in Mercator d. d., one of the biggest Slovenian companies, since 1989. He has 20 years of professional experience in logistics and supply chain management and has deep theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of business process re-engineering and change management. He holds a master’s degree in logistics engineering and a bachelor’s degree in law. Since 2006, he has been a lecturer at the Faculty of Logistics at the University of Maribor, where he is responsible for the courses Logistics Documentation and Commercial and Warehousing Operations. He has published several articles in the area of logistics and is the co-author of a manual for effective logistics.


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How to Cite
Cedilnik M. (2013). Flow of Goods Across Customs Territories. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 59(1-2), 13-24. Retrieved from https://journals.um.si/index.php/oe/article/view/2313