Theoretical Frame of Trust and Relationship Commitment in Supply Chains

  • Sonja Mlaker Kač
Keywords: supply chain, trust, relationship commitment, cooperation


In this article, we theoretically discuss the notion of trust and relationship commitment, emphasizing these concepts in connection with a good supply chain management. We present different views and theories that discuss trust and relation- ship commitment, especially in the context of interorganizational relationships, such as supply chains. We ultimately try to build a model for the further research of relationships in supply chains in Slovenia.


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Author Biography

Sonja Mlaker Kač

Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor, Slovenia

Sonja Mlaker Kač works as a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor. She is also Ph.D. student at the same faculty. She finished her bachelor’s degree in communication sciences at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. Currently, she deals primarily with the human resources and their importance in logistics. She is preparing her Ph.D. thesis on topic rela- tionships in supply chains.


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How to Cite
Mlaker Kač S. (2013). Theoretical Frame of Trust and Relationship Commitment in Supply Chains. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 59(5-6), 76-83. Retrieved from