Capital Structure and Thin-capitalization Rule: Case study of parent companies in Slovenia
Theory defines the quality of a capital structure in different ways, and many factors have an impact on it. In the case of loans between the related parties (as a form of debt financing) and the savings that can be achieved using this form of financing, the companies create a so-called tax shield, by which exploitation is restricted by the thin capitalization rules in many countries. In this paper, the changes in the capital structure of selected parent companies in Slovenia for the 1997–2012 period were analyzed. The survey reveals that the proportion of debt financing increased after the adoption of the thin capitalization rules in 2004 and despite its escalation.
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Zakonodajni viri
MSRP – Mednarodni standardi računovodskega poročanja (2008). Dosegljivo 21. oktobra 2013 na:
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Pravilnik o transfernih cenah (Ur. l. RS, št. 141/2006).
Pravilnika o davčno nepriznanih odhodkih (Ur. l. RS, št. 3/2003).
Zakon o davku od dobička pravnih oseb ZDDPO. Ur. l. RS, št. 72/1993, Ur. l. RS, št. 20/1995, 18/1996-ZDavP, 34/1996, 82/1997 Odl. US: U-I-296/95, 27/1998 Odl. US: U-I-81/96, 1/2000 Odl. US: U-I-332/97, 50/2002 Odl. US, 108/2002, 14/2003-UPB1.
Zakon o davku od dohodkov pravnih oseb ZDDPO-1. Ur. l. RS, št. 40/2004 (70/2004 popr.), Ur. l. RS, št. 54/2004-ZDavP-1, 139/2004, 17/2005-UPB1, 108/2005, 33/2006-UPB2.
Zakon o davku od dohodkov pravnih oseb ZDDPO-2. Ur. l. RS, št. 117/2006, Ur. l. RS, št. 90/2007, 56/2008, 76/2008, 92/2008, 5/2009, 96/2009, 110/2009-ZDavP-2B (1/2010 popr.), 43/2010, 59/2011, 24/2012, 30/2012-ZDDPO-2H.
Zakon o gospodarskih družbah (ZGD)-1. Ur. l. RS, št. 42/2006 (60/2006 popr.), št.26/2007-ZSDU-B,33/2007-Z- SReg-B, 67/2007-ZTFI (100/2007 popr.), 10/2008, 68/2008, 23/2009 Odl.US:U-I-268/06-35,42/2009,
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Zakon o davčnem postopku (ZDavP-2). Ur. l. RS, št. 117/2006, Ur. l. RS, št. 24/2008-ZDDKIS, 125/2008, 20/2009-ZDoh-2D, 47/2009 Odl. US: U-I-54/06-32 (48/2009 popr.), 110/2009 (1/2010 popr.), 43/2010, 97/2010, 13/2011-UPB4, 32/2012, 94/2012.