Tax Morale and Tax Mentality in Slovenia

  • Stanko Čokelc
  • Ana Križman
Keywords: Financial psychology, tax morale, tax mentality, tax perception, tax system


The economic and financial crisis, which resulted in budget deficits in several countries, was the most evident cause generating authorities’ and researchers’ interest in the decisive factors influencing the behavior of individuals and corporations in tax matters. The question arises why taxpayers are willing to accept the tax policy of the state, why some avoid paying their taxes and why others voluntarily fulfil their tax obligations despite the relatively low detection risk. Empirical research indicates that the volition to pay one’s taxes cannot be sufficiently explained exclusively by external fa- ctors, such as tax rates, fines, and other risks (e.g., probability of a tax audit), but rather points to a complex interplay of causes and their interactions. Several external factors (societal, systemic, and situational) and a number of purely subjective factors (the indi- vidual’s character, motivation, and inner conscience, often referred to as tax morale) have been proven to affect the settlement of one’s tax obligations. Tax morale is thought to be one of the key factors affecting the behavior and actions of individuals with respect to the tax system. In our research, we aimed to provide an overview of the pre- sent findings from the most recent literature and position them in the context of the Slo- venian tax system. We attempted to discern how respondents view the Slovenian tax system, investigating their perception of tax morale and researching the factors linked to tax morale and tax behavior in light of the most recent findings in this field.


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Author Biographies

Stanko Čokelc

Revidicom, revizijska družba d.o.o., Slovenia

Stanko Čokelc, Ph.D. in economic science, is a senior lecturer of accounting and auditing at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB). He has accumulated extensive experiences in auditing, tax inspection procedures, and tax advisory services over the past two decades. He is also the manager of an auditing office and holder of professional certificates for auditing, state auditing, and tax advising.

Ana Križman

Social researcher, Slovenia

Ana Križman is a psychologist working in the area of social research, methodo- logy, and analysis. She has more than 12 years of experience in social opinion and market surveys. She has been the manager of the Eurobarometer survey for Slovenia for several years. Collaborating with various partners and institutes from Slovenia, Croatia, and Austria in the area of research, she is also involved in the development of innovative researcher’s tools. She is the author of the periodi- cal Eurobarometer National Report for Slovenia and the coauthor of several sci- entific publications.


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How to Cite
Čokelc S., & Križman A. (2014). Tax Morale and Tax Mentality in Slovenia. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 60(1-2), 47-61. Retrieved from