Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Knowledge Sharing Between Headquarters and Subsidiaries Abroad

  • Aleša Saša Sitar
  • Katarina Katja Mihelič
Keywords: barriers to knowledge sharing, strategies for overcoming barriers, multinational corporations, qualitative analysis


Employees encounter several barriers to knowledge sharing in organizational settings. Barriers can be classified as individual or organizational. Multinational corporations usually encounter additional barriers related to time differences and geographic distance as well as language and cultural differences. The authors of this paper first define knowledge sharing, addressing barriers to knowledge sharing and focusing specifically on barriers when knowledge is shared between headquarters and subsidiaries abroad. Second, approaches to overcoming those barriers are explained in detail. Finally, in the empirical part, based on semi-structured interviews with managers of three Slovenian companies with subsidiaries abroad, barriers and approaches to overcoming barriers to knowledge sharing are presented.


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Author Biographies

Aleša Saša Sitar

Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Aleša Saša Sitar, Ph.D., is a teaching assistant in the Academic Unit for Manage- ment and Organization at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. She lectures in courses on organization and management. Her main research interests are organizational learning and knowledge management, knowledge networks, and organizational design. She received her Ph.D. from the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. She regularly attends international conferences on orga- nizations and organizational learning.

Katarina Katja Mihelič

Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Katarina Katja Mihelič, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in the Academic Unit for Management and Organization at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. She teaches courses in the field of management. Her main research interests lie in the areas of work–family interface, individual determinants of job performance, and ethical behaviour. She received her Ph.D. from the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. She regularly attends international conferences in manage- ment. She has published her work in SSCI-ranked international journals.


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How to Cite
Sitar A. S., & Mihelič K. K. (2014). Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Knowledge Sharing Between Headquarters and Subsidiaries Abroad. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 60(3-4), 3-12. Retrieved from