The Attitude of Business Students toward the Ethics of Tax Evasion

  • Lidija Hauptman
Keywords: Tax evasion, tax ethics, business students, Slovenia


The paper examines the ethics of tax evasion, which the literature explains using three views by Crowe. It presents the results of a survey conducted among business students in Slovenia. The study investigates the business students’ view of the ethics of tax evasion and whether the attitude toward these ethics varies according to gen- der. The study reveals that business students in Slovenia represent the view that tax evasion is ethical under certain conditions and in certain circumstances; differences in gender related to the ethics of tax evasion were identified as well.


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Author Biography

Lidija Hauptman

Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Maribor, Slovenia

Lidija Hauptman is an associate professor of accounting and auditing at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Maribor. She is a member of the program and the organization committee DRFR Maribor as well as a member of IFA and EAA. Her research work includes the field of financial and tax accounting, group accounting, and taxation. She has several national and inter- national publications (see Cobiss, Research Nr. 19613).


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How to Cite
Hauptman L. (2014). The Attitude of Business Students toward the Ethics of Tax Evasion. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 60(5-6), 40-48. Retrieved from