Effect of Rurality and Human Capital Resources in the Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification Process

  • Irena Kedmenec
  • Urban Šebjan
  • Polona Tominc
Keywords: entrepreneurship, human capital, opportunity identification, rural areas


In this paper, that is a country study of Slovenia, we tried to determine why individuals in rural residential areas are less likely to recognize entrepreneurial opportunities. Our results show that the increase in resources in human capital, consisting of education, skills, knowledge, and experiences in entrepreneurship, has a significant and positive effect on opportunity identification. For policy creators, our results suggest that policies focused on entrepreneurial education— especially education that would enable the acquisition of real-life entrepreneurial experiences and skills—are useful, especially in rural areas.


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Author Biographies

Irena Kedmenec

Faculty of Organisation and Informatics Varaždin, University of Zagreb, Croatia
E-mail: irena.kedmenec@foi.hr

Irena Kedmenec works as assistant in the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, in Varaždin, where she finished her master’s degree in economics. She is currently finishing her doctoral studies in economics and business sciences at the Faculty of Economics and Business University of Maribor. She actively participates in different projects in the entrepreneurship field (EDU-PRENEUR, Youth in Action programs, etc.), in Croatia, Slovenia, and abroad. Her research activity comprises in particular rural entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial intentions.

Urban Šebjan

Faculty of Economics and Business Maribor, University of Maribor, Slovenia
E-mail: urban.sebjan@uni-mb.si

Urban Šebjan is currently a Ph.D. student in the Department of Quantitative Economic Analysis and Organization and Informatics at the University of Maribor–Faculty of Economics and Business. He has long worked with Triglav Insurance Company. His research focuses primarily on quantitative methods, statistical analysis software, analytical CRM, and modern information technology. He is employed by the Faculty of Economics and Business as an assistant in the field of quantitative economic analysis.

Polona Tominc

Faculty of Economics and Business Maribor, University of Maribor, Slovenia
E-mail: polona.tominc@uni-mb.si

Polona Tominc, PhD, is a full-time professor in the Department of Quantitative Economic Analysis at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor. Her research is focused on statistical methods in economics, especially in the field of entrepreneurship and gender differences. She teaches statistics and quantitative methods in entrepreneurial research. She has participated in more than 30 scientific and professional conferences, is the author of various chapters in books and articles in scientific and professional journals, and has published in Slovenia and abroad. She is participating in the DIANA network analyzing female entrepreneurship and is a team member of GEM Slovenia and the Slovenian entrepreneurship observatory research team.


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How to Cite
Kedmenec I., Šebjan U., & Tominc P. (2015). Effect of Rurality and Human Capital Resources in the Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification Process. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 61(2), 35-44. Retrieved from https://journals.um.si/index.php/oe/article/view/2266