Advantages and Disadvantages of the Single European Patent

  • Klara Glazer
Keywords: Single European patent, single patent court, reduce costs, patent trolls, simplified procedures, forum shopping, European Union


In February 2013, the European Union successfully completed more than 30 years of negotiations and formally signed an agreement establishing a single European patent. The agreement brought about a more competitive patent law compared with that in the United States and Japan. The agreement resulted in a number of advantages, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, such as the reduction of costs by as much as 80%, simplification of procedures, and the adoption of the Unified Patent Court. With the new unitary patent, intellectual property will grow in importance. Yet experts warn that the new patent results in new forms of unwanted behavior, such as forum shopping and the emergence of patent trolls. This study presents both sides—the pros and cons—to predict the effects on business and cover the widest possible range of experts, providing their views on the topic.


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Author Biography

Klara Glazer

Šarhova ulica 5, Radlje ob Dravi, Slovenia

As a Zois scholar, after graduating from high school in Ravne na Koroškem, Klara Glazer entered the Faculty of Social Sciences to study European studies. Through her studies, she deepened her knowledge of work and structure of the European Union. Her academic career continued at the Economic and Business Faculty in Maribor. She has a master’s degree in unitary patent, which was also the inspiration for the present article. Currently, she works as a member of the Supervisory Board of the Municipality and is gaining work experience through entrepreneurship and business consulting as well as working in the travel industry.


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How to Cite
Glazer K. (2015). Advantages and Disadvantages of the Single European Patent. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 61(2), 24-34. Retrieved from