Conceptual Framework for the Definition and Regulation of Virtual Currencies: International and Russian practices

  • Olga S. Belomyttseva
Keywords: virtual currency, Bitcoin, electronic money, private money, money surrogates


This paper analyzes possible definitions of virtual currencies in legislation and economics. Views of the European Central Bank, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, and Financial Action Task Force regarding virtual currencies are studied. The analysis also covers the draft legislation to ban money surrogates in the Russian Federation. The author suggests two reasonable approaches to defining virtual currencies in law and economics. The Austrian School representatives’ arguments on the existence of private money are reviewed. The author proposes the introduction of some changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation in order to give legal status to virtual currencies.


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Author Biography

Olga S. Belomyttseva

Department of Finance and Accounting, Faculty of Economics, National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia

Olga Belomyttseva, Ph.D. in economics, is an associate professor at the Faculty of Economics, National Research Tomsk State University (Russia). Her research interests include various aspects of financial markets, with a concentration on virtual currencies, the dividend policy of Russian joint-stock companies, and the development of non-state pension funds. She has published more than 30 scientific research papers on financial markets. She also provides consulting services in the area of financial markets.


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How to Cite
S. Belomyttseva O. (2015). Conceptual Framework for the Definition and Regulation of Virtual Currencies: International and Russian practices. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 61(5), 32-39. Retrieved from