Model for Determining the Stability of Retail Deposits with Higher Outflow Rates

  • Aleksandra Murks Bašič
Keywords: retail deposits, stability, transactional account, LCR, deposit guarantee scheme, depositors, higher outflow rates, Basel III


Retail deposits are treated as one of the cheapest and most stable funding sources for banks, especially for those with high volumes of retail deposits. A bank defines three main categories of retail deposits that are subject to different outflow rates for the purpose of liquidity coverage requirements in reporting and compliance. The outflow rates for the first two main groups are 5% and 10% respectively, but for the third main group the bank calculates its own outflow rates. We analyzed the latter in this paper. Each bank should assign retail deposits to one of the three categories based on the number and type of predetermined risk factors. Risk factors are divided into two groups according to the degree of risk. The paper first describes the legislative framework, followed by the method of calculating higher outflow rates for retail deposits according to the historical movements and the expected volatility assessment in the situation of stress conditions. At the end of the paper, we briefly provide the future treatment of retail deposits with higher outflow rates.


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Author Biography

Aleksandra Murks Bašič

Zavarovalnica Triglav d.d., Ljubljana, Slovenia

Aleksandra Murks Bašič obtained her Ph.D. in physics in 2012 by studying evolutionary games, social dilemmas, complex networks, and stochastic processes. She has mainly been involved in the analysis of economic instruments in the area of greenhouse gas emissions, but has recently extended her interests to include banking and finance. She is active in the field of risk management in the banking and insurance segments as well as financial planning and analysis and deals with the implementation of internal models in the field of assets and liabilities management (ALM).


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How to Cite
Murks Bašič A. (2015). Model for Determining the Stability of Retail Deposits with Higher Outflow Rates. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 61(5), 12-22. Retrieved from