Nonprofit Organizations from the Perspective of Organizational Development and Their Influence on Professionalization

  • Katalin Dobrai
  • Ferenc Farkas
Keywords: organizational development, nonprofit organizations, professionalization, learning, knowledge


The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the phenomenon of profession- alization that is observable in organizations from the nonprofit sector. Empiri- cal research was conducted among Hungarian nonprofit organizations, and the data were collected within the framework of a country-wide survey. Through the analysis of the research results, the paper provides deeper insights into knowl- edge about professionalization trends in the nonprofit sector. It proves that organizational development positively impacts nonprofit organizations’ improve- ment of their professionalization level and the members of these organizations.


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Author Biographies

Katalin Dobrai

University of Pecs, Faculty of Business and Management, Department of Leadership and Organizational Sciences, Hungary
Postal address: 7622 Pecs, Rakoczi str. 80, Hungary;
Phone: (36) 72/ 501599 ext. 23132,

Katalin Dobrai, Ph.D., is an associate professor at the Department of Leadership and Organizational Sciences of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pécs. Her teaching areas include leadership and organization, knowledge management, and human resource management. Her research focuses on knowledge management and organizational learning in knowledge-intensive businesses and nonprofit organizations. 

Ferenc Farkas

University of Pecs, Faculty of Business and Management, Department of Leadership and Organizational Sciences, Hungary
Postal address: 7622 Pecs, Rakoczi str. 80, Hungary
Phone: (36) 72/ 501599 ext. 23130

Ferenc Farkas, Ph.D., is a full professor at the Department of Leadership and Organizational Sciences of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pécs. His teaching areas include change management, organizational behavior, and leadership. His research interest focuses on nonprofit management and leadership as well as HRM. He has been the team leader of Hungarian and international projects, financed by the EU and the Hungarian government. 


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How to Cite
Dobrai K., & Farkas F. (2016). Nonprofit Organizations from the Perspective of Organizational Development and Their Influence on Professionalization. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 62(2), 25-32. Retrieved from