Analyzing Hotel Innovation Behavior in the Balaton Region of Hungary to Identify Best Practices

  • Petra Gyurácz-Németh
  • Nikolett Horn
  • Nóra Friedrich
Ključne besede: inovativno vodenje, tip hotela, najboljša praksa, Madžarska


Cilj te raziskave je proučiti inovativno vedenje hotelov v eni najpomembnejših turističnih regij na Madžarskem. Območje ob Blatnem jezeru je zelo priljubljeno, sezona pa je precej kratka (od sredine junija do 20. avgusta). Glede na število gostov in nočitev je ta regija drugo najbolj obiskano območje na Madžarskem. Tema inovativnosti ima v madžarskem hotelskem sektorju vedno večji pomen, ker je konkurenca zelo huda, zadržati goste in zaposlene pa je lahko velik izziv. Študija vključuje kvalitativno in kvantitativno raziskavo. Cilj kvalitativne raziskave je bil proučiti Hotel Európa Fit****superior kot primer najboljše prakse. Hotel je uvedel t. i. strategijo »inovacije z navdihom« (angl. »innovation by inspiring«) in več vrst inovacij uporabil na zelo priporočljiv način. Na vprašalnik se je odzvalo 52 odstotkov respondentov (28 vodilnih menedžerjev hotelov) iz vzorca (54). Rezultati kažejo, da obstaja močna povezava med tipom hotela in številom inovacij ter med tipom hotela in pogostostjo inovacij.


Podatki o prenosih še niso na voljo.

Biografije avtorja

Petra Gyurácz-Németh

Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pannonia, Madžarska

Petra Gyurácz-Németh, Ph.D., is a senior lecturer at the Department of Tourism, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary. Her main research field is hotel quality and innovation concentrating on the standardization and customization of hotel processes. She teaches subjects related to hotel operations and management as well as service quality. Petra gained practical experience when she was working in an international chain hotel in many departments, as a tour operator as an incoming agent, and in a touriform office. 

Nikolett Horn

Master Student at the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pannonia, Madžarska

Nikolett Horn is a former student at the University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary. She started her undergraduate studies in tourism and hospitality in 2008 and immediately continued with a master’s degree in tourism management. Her research topic is hotel project management and innovation. She took part in student scientific competitions, placing first twice and second once. In the national student scientific competition, she placed third and got a special award in the previous event. She has been working for the hotel chain Danubius Hotels Group as a sales representative. 

Nóra Friedrich

Master Student at the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pannonia, Madžarska

Nóra Friedrich is a former BA and MA student at the University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary. Her research topic is hotel innovation: types, behavior, and success. She has assisted on some projects at the Department of Tourism and made several presentations for students on different topics. She took part in student scientific competitions, placing first twice and second once. In the national student scientific competition, she placed third, second, and third again with different pieces of research. 



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Hotel Európa Fit****superior website: 01/07/2015)

Interview with László Könnyid, General manager of the Hotel Európa Fit****superior (25th March 2014)

Kako citirati
Gyurácz-Németh P., Horn N., & Friedrich N. (2016). Analyzing Hotel Innovation Behavior in the Balaton Region of Hungary to Identify Best Practices. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 62(3), 52-60. Pridobljeno od