Impact of ICTs on Innovation Activities: Indication for selected European countries

  • Jovana Zoroja
Keywords: information and communication technology, innovation, business sophistication, competitiveness, European countries, regression analysis


The development and usage of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has particularly increased in the last two decades, while at the same time showing great potential to improve the efficacy of business processes, facilitate and drive innovations, and therefore increase competitiveness. Innovation activities represent an important factor for social and economic change as well as for increasing competitive advantages at both the national and firm levels. This paper focuses on the role that ICTs play in the innovation performance of selected European countries. Using data drawn from the Eurostat and Global Competitiveness Index (2007–2011) and panel regression analysis, research results indicate that ICTs have a significant impact on business innovation activities.


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Author Biography

Jovana Zoroja

Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Jovana Zoroja, Ph.D., is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Department of Informatics, where she received her Ph.D. with the dissertation thesis “Influence of the Information and Communication Technologies on the Competitiveness of the European Union Countries.” She was educated at the LSE–Summer School in London in the field of business development and ICTS innovation (2008). Her main research interests are information and communication technology, e-learning, simulation games and simulation modelling. She has published several scientific papers in international and national journals and participated in many scientific conferences. She is actively engaged in a number of scientific projects.


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How to Cite
Zoroja J. (2016). Impact of ICTs on Innovation Activities: Indication for selected European countries. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 62(3), 39-51. Retrieved from