Corporate Governance of Banks in Poland and Slovenia

  • Polona Pašić
  • Borut Bratina
  • Mejra Festić
Ključne besede: korporativno upravljanje, uspešnost bank, Srednja in Vzhodna Evropa, indeks korporativnega upravljanja, neto obrestni prihodek


V članku se osredotočamo na proučevanje značilnosti korporativnega upravljanja v bankah na Poljskem in v Sloveniji, in sicer v obdobju med letoma 2005 in 2013. Proučen je tudi vpliv korporativnega upravljanja teh bank na njihovo poslovanje. Rezultati opravljene raziskave kažejo, da je Slovenija dosegla nižje povprečne vrednosti spremenljivk in kazalnikov kakovosti transparentnosti korporativnega upravljanja kot Poljska. Gostota bank z doseženimi najvišjimi vrednostmi indeksa korporativnega upravljanja je na Poljskem prav tako večja kot v Sloveniji. Pri proučevanju vpliva korporativnega upravljanja na uspešnost poslovanja bank, ki jo merimo z neto obrestnimi prihodki, z regresijsko analizo ugotavljamo, da je ta vpliv pozitiven v obeh državah in statistično značilen v Sloveniji.


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Biografije avtorja

Polona Pašić

PhD Student at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Slovenija

Polona Pašić holds a Ph.D. degree in economics and business sciences from the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor. She earned her bachelor’s degree in economics from the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, where she graduated with distinction.

Borut Bratina

Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Slovenija

Borut Bratina, Ph.D., is an associate professor of law at the Department of Business Law at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor. He is the head lecturer for a number of courses in business law within undergraduate and postgraduate study programs at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and other faculties of the University of Maribor. He is the head of the Institute of Business Law at FEB and a co-founder of the Institute for Economic and Corporate Governance (IECG Maribor). His scientific and professional focus is in the field of corporate law and corporate governance.

Mejra Festić

Bank of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenija

Mejra Festić, Ph.D., is a full professor of economic systems, economic policy and economic theory, and the application of econometrical analysis. She is also an associate professor of banking and finance. Since March 1, 2011, she has been a vice governor of the Bank of Slovenia; she is currently its deputy governor. Her research fields cover monetary systems, monetary economics, banking and finance, macroprudential and systemic risk, financial stability, economic policies, economic theory, macroeconomics, the application of econometrical methodologies, and the appraisal of economic efficiency of investment projects at macro and micro levels.


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Kako citirati
Pašić P., Bratina B., & Festić M. (2016). Corporate Governance of Banks in Poland and Slovenia. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 62(3), 3-12. Pridobljeno od