An Empirical Study Regarding Radical Innovation, Research and Development Management, and Leadership

  • Fumihiko Isada
  • Yuriko Isada
Keywords: radical innovation, incremental innovation, research and development management, leadership, size of the firm, technology life cycle, kinds of goods


The objective of this research is to empirically compare the management that is most suitable for radical innovation with that needed for incremental innovation. The relationship between the results of research and development and management styles was surveyed using a questionnaire. Respondents included research and development leaders in Japanese manufacturing, with special attention given to the differences between radical innovation and incremental innovation. Results verified, in an integrated way, the management and leadership factors, taking into consideration the differences arising from the object under analysis and the environmental factors.


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Author Biographies

Fumihiko Isada

Kansai University, Japan

Fumihiko Isada received his Ph.D. in economics from Osaka University in 2004. He is a professor with the Faculty of Informatics, Kansai University. His research interests include international corporate strategy and innovation management.

Yuriko Isada

Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan

Yuriko Isada received her Ph.D. in informatics from Kansai University in 2003. She is an associate professor with the School of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University. Her research interests include multi-objective optimization, decision support systems, and computer simulation.


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How to Cite
Isada F., & Isada Y. (2017). An Empirical Study Regarding Radical Innovation, Research and Development Management, and Leadership. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 63(2), 22-31. Retrieved from