CSR EMAT Is an Opportunity for Responsible Decision-Making

  • Nora Rodek Berkes
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, EFQM excellence model, CSR EMAT, CSR excellence management, assessment tool


Corporate social responsibility is an expected behaviour in Western countries, but the approach still does not have a clear interpretation in Hungary. As a result of the increasing prestige of the CSR approach, socially responsible thinking and action also are expected from the companies operating in Hungary. Company executives carry out CSR activities in many cases – but not consciously. The objective of this research therefore was the development of a guidance and evaluation criteria that can support managers in responsible decision-making and applying the CSR approach to a strategic level. On the other hand, this management tool allows the measurement of CSR excellence in companies; therefore, they become comparable in their CSR performance, which offers opportunities for further research. The study presents the development of CSR EMAT and the results achieved through the measurements.


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Author Biography

Nora Rodek Berkes

University of Pannonia, Hungary
E-mail: rodek.nora@uni-pen.hu

Nora Rodek Berkes is a lecturer at University of Pannonia Nagykanizsa Campus. She is a PhD candidate in management and business administration at the Doctoral School of University of Pannonia. Her research topics are CSR (corporate social responsibility), sustainable and responsible management, social innovation. Beside the theoretical research of CSR, she is active also in practice, as she participates in many projects and programs with the topic of social responsibility.


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How to Cite
Rodek Berkes N. (2022). CSR EMAT Is an Opportunity for Responsible Decision-Making. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 63(3), 37-46. Retrieved from https://journals.um.si/index.php/oe/article/view/2204