Changes in Tax Legislation and Social Responsibility of Taxpayers and Legislative Institutions

  • Vesna Štager
Keywords: social responsibility, tax compliance, changes in tax legislation, tax aggressiveness


The article deals with the cost of tax compliance which arises for taxpayers from tax complexity and the constant changes in tax legislation. A socially responsible institution for the fiscal aggression is the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, as its powers and responsibilities creates the tax position of individuals, businesses and the entire economy. The aim of our research is to encourage socially responsible behaviour of legislation institutions in adopting the tax legislation, which will help to improve the social responsibility of taxpayers and increase tax compliance.


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Author Biography

Vesna Štager

PhD Student at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Slovenia

Vesna Štager holds an M.Sc. degree in Management Sciences from the International School for Social and Business Studies, Celje. She earned her two Bachelor’s degrees in Economics (Entrepreneurship; Accounting and Auditing) from the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Slovenia, where she graduated with distinction. She is currently a Ph.D. student of Economic Policy at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor. Scientific interest: auditing, accounting, finance and taxes.


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How to Cite
Štager V. (2018). Changes in Tax Legislation and Social Responsibility of Taxpayers and Legislative Institutions. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 64(1), 48-57. Retrieved from