The Impact of Behavioral Symptoms of Burnout on Work Engagement of Older Employees: The Case of Slovenian Companies

  • Maja Rožman
  • Sonja Treven
  • Marijan Cingula
Keywords: burnout, behavioral symptoms of burnout, older employees, work engagement


The main objective of the paper is to determine the impact of behavioral symptoms of burnout of older employees on their work engagement in large- and medium- sized companies in Slovenia. The research is based on the implementation of a factor analysis by which we wanted to reduce the large number of variables into a smaller number of factors. With those factors, we performed a simple linear regression. Based on the results, we confirmed the hypothesis that behavioral symptoms of burnout of older employees have a statistically significant negative impact on their work engagement. Well-being of employees of varying ages in the workplace is key for long-term effectiveness of companies. From this point of view, companies should apply appropriate measures to reduce burnout as well as to contribute to employees’ well-being and better workplace performance, which is reflected in work engagement of employees.


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Author Biographies

Maja Rožman

University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia

Maja Rožman continued her studies at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, and successfully graduated from finance and banking. She acquired her master’s degree and now continues with her PhD studies at the Faculty of Economics and Business in Maribor at the Department of Management and Organization. She is also an assistant at the Faculty of Economics and Business at the Department of Quantitative Economic Analysis. 

Sonja Treven

University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia

Sonja Treven, PhD, professor, is employed at the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Maribor in Slovenia for the field of human resource management and organizational behaviour. She is the head of the Department of Management and Organization. She is the author of three books and co-author of more than 20 books as well as more than 80 scientific articles. She participated in more than 100 domestic and international conferences with her papers as an author or co- author. 

Marijan Cingula

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Croatia

Marijan Cingula, tenured professor, is the former head of Department of Organization and Management, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Zagreb, Croatia. He earned his doctoral degree at the University of Zagreb, Faculty for Organization and Informatics Varazdin. He worked as managing director, Varazdin OTC Market Inc. Varazdin, and VADEA Inc. Development and Entrepreneurship Agency Varazdin. Co-author of several books on entrepreneurship, general management and corporate governance. He also served as member of scientific board to more than 40 international scientific conferences


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How to Cite
Rožman M., Treven S., & Cingula M. (2022). The Impact of Behavioral Symptoms of Burnout on Work Engagement of Older Employees: The Case of Slovenian Companies. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 64(3), 3-11. Retrieved from