Impact of Social Responsibility on the Quality of Company Governance

  • Ana Jurić
  • Aleksandra Zupanc
  • Tjaša Štrukelj
Keywords: governance, the quality of governance, SEECGAN index, social responsibility, environmental responsibility, strategic management, innovation


The central aim of the article is company governance, i.e., researching governance of a company that does not want to be only financially successful but also direct its governance toward socially responsible governance. The article begins with the definition of “theoretical backgrounds,” in which social responsibility in regard to company governance improvement in quality is explained. The article then focuses on the measurement of the quality of company governance; in the research, the selected tool chosen to evaluate the governance of the chosen company regarding social responsibility, i.e., SEECGAN index, is used. Further, the case study of a Slovenian public limited liability company is used. One of the important research findings is the recognition that the addressed part of the SEECGAN index needs to be innovated and further developed.Additional questions for the completion of the index used presents the added value of the article. This article has two limitations: 1) it focuses only on the tool chosen to evaluate the governance of the chosen company regarding social responsibility; 2) the case study is based on publicly accessible data.


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Author Biographies

Ana Jurić

Rudarska cesta 15, 1412 Kisovec, Slovenia

Ana Jurić is a master of science in economics. The main field of study is strategic and project management. She received her master’s degree at the Faculty of Economics and Business in Maribor. She is a co-author of two articles: 1) Identifying the Quality of Corporate Social Responsibility Governance, which was presented at 13. IRDO International Conference; 2) Družbena odgovornost kot izbrani vidik osredotočanja upravljanja podjetja, which was a part of scientific monography Izbrane usmeritve za sodobno družbo.

Aleksandra Zupanc

Trg Pohorskega bataljona 22, 1412 Kisovec, Slovenia

Aleksandra Zupanc is a master of translation. She received her master’s degree at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts. She is a co-author of the article Identifying the Quality of Corporate Social Responsibility Governance, which was presented at 13. IRDO International Conference. She was also a participant in Project Work Creative Paths Toward Knowledge – Management Solutions for the Independence of Young Adults in association with the University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business.

Tjaša Štrukelj

University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia

Dr. Sc. Tjaša Štrukelj is an assistant professor of enterprise policy, strategic management, enterprise culture, ethics and social responsibility, and SMEs management. She is a member of the international research group and participates in the research programme Entrepreneurship for Innovative Society. She is a co-editor of a series of professional and scientific monographs, participates in program committees of foreign international scientific conferences and is the head of the project “FEB and Social Responsibility.”


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How to Cite
Jurić A., Zupanc A., & Štrukelj T. (2019). Impact of Social Responsibility on the Quality of Company Governance. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 65(2), 21-29. Retrieved from