The “LEADER Approach” - New Development Opportunity for Rural Areas in Slovenia

  • Tomaž Cunder Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, Department of Agricultural Economics; Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Matej Bedrač Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, Department of Agricultural Economics; Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Keywords: rural development, agricultural policy, LEADER approach, local action groups, , structure of partnership, local development strategies


Integrated rural development programmes, which are prepared with the active involvement of local citizens, have a long tradition in Slovenia. In the period 1991-2006, Slovenia introduced “Programmes of Integrated Rural Development and Village Renewal” and “Development Programmes for Rural Areas”, which were quite similar to the LEADER initiative in the European Union. From the 2007-2013 programming period, the LEADER approach has been mainstreamed within the overall EU rural development policy. This means that LEADER is included in national and regional rural development programmes supported by the EU, alongside a range of other rural development axes. The main emphasis of the current paper is given to the implementation of the LEADER approach and establishment of local action groups in the 2007-2013 programming period. The paper consists of three parts. The first part presents the general characteristics of the LEADER approach and the measures which are carried out in the 2007-2013 Rural Development Programme. In the second part, an analysis of 33 Local Action Groups is described. The main focus is given to spatial-demographic characteristics, the partnership structure, and the organisation of the decision making body. The paper concludes with an analysis of 33 Local Development Strategies. We analysed the extent to which the strategic goals and priority tasks of Local Development Strategies follow the economic, social and spatial-environmental component of sustainable development.


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Author Biographies

Tomaž Cunder, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, Department of Agricultural Economics; Ljubljana, Slovenia.


Matej Bedrač, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, Department of Agricultural Economics; Ljubljana, Slovenia.



European Communities, 2006: The LEADER approach – a basic guide, European Commission, Luxembourg, 23 p.

MAFF, 2007: Rural Development Program of the Republic of Slovenia 2007-2013, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Ljubljana, 323 p.

MAFF, 2007: Nacionalni strateški načrt razvoja podeželja 2007-2013, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Ljubljana, 51 p.

UMAR, 2006: Metodologija izračuna indeksa razvojne ogroženosti za obdobje od 2007-2013, Urad za makroekonomske analize in razvoj, 64 p.

Analysis of 33 Local Development Strategies, 2009: (working material), Agricultural Institute of Slovenia.

How to Cite
Cunder T., & Bedrač M. (2010). The “LEADER Approach” - New Development Opportunity for Rural Areas in Slovenia. Journal for Geography, 5(2), 55-65.
Scientific Articles