Professor Emeritus Dr. Borut Belec: the importance of his work for the development of Maribor and Slovenian geography
Presentation of the professional career of Professor Emeritus of the University of Maribor dr. Borut Belec and the importance of his work for the development of Maribor and Slovenian geography, as well as the broader international audience thereof, is on one hand very complex because of the diversity and richness of its research and teaching results, and on the other hand very challenging how to visualize something new because of the many privies records.
The present record is therefore not only a display of bibliographic information, but it is also illustrated with the reflections of Professor, which were recorded at an interview with the Jubilant in mid-October 2015. The four themes (education, career, research and teaching) are among other well-rounded findings, that described his work and importance.
Belec, B. 2012: Govor ob petdesetletnici Oddelka za geografijo v Mariboru. Tipkopis.
Belec, B. 1981: Pedagoška fakulteta v Mariboru – pogledi na prehojeno pot. Tipkopis.
Beverley, J. 2000: Testimonio, Subalternity and Narrative Authority. V N. K. Denzin in Y. Lincoln, S. Handbook of Qualitative Research (str. 555–565). Thousand Oaks. London, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
Bračič, V. 1991: Ob šestdesetletnici prof. dr. Boruta Belca. Geografski vestnik, 63 (str. 174-175).
Clandinin, D. J. in Connelly, F. M. 1995: Teachers Professional Knowledge Landscapes. New York: Teachers College Press.
Cobiss: Borut Belec, Osebna bibliografija za obdobje 1955-2008, (3.10.2015)
Kert, B., Olas, L. 2001: Borut Belec - sedemdesetletnik, Maribor, 13.1.2001, Geografski vestnik, letn. 73, št. 1 (str. 101-102).
Kolnik, K., Konečnik Kotnik, E. 2015: Zapis posnetka intervjuja s prof. dr. Borutom Belcem, Maribor.
Lorber, L. 2011: Zaslužni profesor dr. Borut Belec – osemdesetletnik, Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, 82. Maribor.
Pak, M. 2010: Profesor Borut Belec, osemdesetletnik, Dela, št. 34, Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani.
Copyright (c) 2015 Karmen Kolnik, Eva Konečnik Kotnik
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.