Lightening of the city as a subject of geographical research (case study of Koper)

  • Vladimir Drozg University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Departmant of Geography; Maribor, Slovenia.
Keywords: ligth, lightening, urban geography, Koper


The paper deals with the illumination of the city and the geographical interpretation of this occurrence. The lit-at-night aspect of a city plays an important role in creating its image. A geographical interpretation of the city illumination thus focuses on three issues: why to illuminate, how to illuminate and who illuminates. This paper offers a discussion about the light and illumination of the city of Koper.


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Author Biography

Vladimir Drozg, University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Departmant of Geography; Maribor, Slovenia.



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Internet 1: – Načrt javne razsvetljave v občini Koper (pridobljeno 11. 2. 2011)

How to Cite
Drozg V. (2011). Lightening of the city as a subject of geographical research (case study of Koper). Journal for Geography, 6(1), 93-102.
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