Land use changes in areas of strategic importance for agriculture and food production in the period 2000-2017
land use changes, cultivated land, extensification, Slovenia
The article analyses land use changes in areas of strategic importance for agriculture and food production in the period 2000-2017 and which, as such, require special treatment in the event of possible changes of cultivated land in non-agriculture land. Land use data published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food is used. Changes in land use are presented at the level of the entire country and at the level of statistical regions. The degree of utilization of these areas for agriculture is shown in particular. The direction of land use changes during the period considered is also analyzed.
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How to Cite
Žiberna I. (2018). Land use changes in areas of strategic importance for agriculture and food production in the period 2000-2017 . Journal for Geography, 13(1), 73-94.
Scientific Articles
Copyright (c) 2018 Igor Žiberna

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.