The production process and organization of the international cultural event: European Theatre Night in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Keywords: cultural manifestation, European Theatre Night, Bosnia and Herzegovina, production model, organization and implementation of the manifestation, intercultural cooperation, tourism potential


The European Theatre Night is a one-day event that takes place every year in European countries, and since 2010, Bosnia and Herzegovina has also participated. The program includes theatre performances and other forms of performing arts. The European Theatre Night is the largest and most extensive theatrical manifestation and one of the most significant cultural manifestations in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina. The work mainly deals with the analysis of this manifestation, that is, the main actors of the organization and cooperation, artistic institutions in which various theatre institutions, organizations and artists participate.


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Author Biographies

Senada Nezirović, University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography; Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Denis Krdžalić, University of Tuzla, The Academy of Dramatic Arts; Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Lejla Žunić, University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography; Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina



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How to Cite
Nezirović S., Krdžalić D., & Žunić L. (2024). The production process and organization of the international cultural event: European Theatre Night in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal for Geography, 59-74.
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