Digital transformation of healthcare through the prism of trends, challenges and principles

Digitalna preobrazba zdravstva skozi prizmo trendov, izzivov in načel

  • Muhamed Turkanović University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Keywords: artificial intelligence, Data Spaces, digital health, digital transformation, digitalization, EHR


Based on the theoretical research method perspective, we present the complex topic of digitalizing the healthcare domain. We start with
the elaboration of the keywords connected to digitalization and continue with a slight overview of principles, trends, and challenges. The
paper is limited only to the digital transformation processes and thus excludes insights into technology-related topics like nanomedicine,
bioengineering, etc. While presenting the trends, we try to emphasize the key novel technologies currently being used to support
healthcare digitalization endeavors. We conclude by highlighting the most important actions and initiatives (focusing on the EU market),
which are and will be of high importance for the healthcare domain in the future.


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Author Biography

Muhamed Turkanović, University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Maribor, Slovenia.

How to Cite
Turkanović M. (2023). Digital transformation of healthcare through the prism of trends, challenges and principles. Acta Medico-Biotechnica, 16(1), 10-20.