Catheter-directed thrombolytic therapy for lowerextremity deep vein thrombosis: a case report

Lokalna katetrska tromboliza kot terapija za globoko vensko trombozo – poročilo o primeru.

  • Aja Pajnik Snoj Emergency Department, University Medical Centre Maribor
  • Andrej Markota Medical Intensive Care Unit, University Medical Centre Maribor
Keywords: catheter-directed thrombolysis; deep vein thrombosis; percutaneous interventional treatment; phlegmasia cerulea dolens


Patients with lower-extremity deep vein thrombosis commonly present to emergency departments. However, the propagation of deep vein thrombosis to phlegmasia cerulea dolens is rarely seen. Catheter-directed thrombolytic therapy is widely accepted as an appropriate treatment for severe forms of lower-limb deep vein thrombosis such as phlegmasia cerulea dolens. It is usually available only in a few selective hospitals. This study aimed to present a case of the first such procedure performed in the University Medical Centre Maribor.


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Author Biographies

Aja Pajnik Snoj, Emergency Department, University Medical Centre Maribor

Maribor, Slovenia. 

Andrej Markota, Medical Intensive Care Unit, University Medical Centre Maribor

Maribor, Slovenia.

How to Cite
Pajnik Snoj A., & Markota A. (2022). Catheter-directed thrombolytic therapy for lowerextremity deep vein thrombosis: a case report. Acta Medico-Biotechnica, 15(1), 76-80.