Salaries of Healthcare Professionals in the Republic of Croatia

  • Ante Klarić Health Center Zagreb, Personnel and General Affairs, Department for Legal Personnel and General Affairs
  • Marina Švaganović Health Center Zagreb, Procurement Department
  • Miran Cvitković University Hospital Centre Zagreb
Keywords: salary, health worker, public service, health, legal norm


Salaries of healthcare professionals in the Republic of Croatia are regulated by a series of laws and regulations. A series of regulations defining the salaries and substantive rights of healthcare professionals cannot provide a clear, uniform and complete approach to regulating the subject matter of the law. In addition to the aforementioned issues of employment status, healthcare professionals originate from a standard that is similar and common to all public servants. In doing so, the legislature does not differentiate between a healthcare professional and his profession from an activity that deals with the protection of fundamental human values: the life and health of the individual. It is these core values that should inform not only governmental regulation of salaries and wages but also all other substantive rights, as a pledge for the smooth performance of such a highly responsible service through a clear, unambiguous and norm to precise them.


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Author Biographies

Ante Klarić, Health Center Zagreb, Personnel and General Affairs, Department for Legal Personnel and General Affairs

Zagreb, Croatia. E-mail:

Marina Švaganović, Health Center Zagreb, Procurement Department

Zagreb, Croatia. E-mail:

Miran Cvitković, University Hospital Centre Zagreb

Zagreb, Croatia. E-mail:


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Kolektivni ugovor za zdravstvo i djelatnost zdravstvenog osiguranje (Collective Agreement for the Health and Health Insurance Sector): Official Gazette RH, No 29/18, 35/19, 78/19, 92/19, 56/20.

Pravilnik o početku, završetku i rasporedu radnog vremena zdravstvenih ustanova i privatnih zdravstvenih radnika u ordinaciji u mreži javnozdravstvene službe (Rulebook on the beginning, ending and scheduling of working hours of health care institutions and private health workers in the office in the public health service network): Official Gazette RH, No 106/19.

Temeljni kolektivni ugovor za službenike i namještenike u javnim službama (Basic Collective Agreement for Civil Servants and Employees): Official Gazette RH, No 128/18, 47/18, 123/19, 66/20.

Uredba o nazivima radnih mjesta i koeficijentima složenosti poslova u javnim službama (Decree on job titles and coefficients of complexity of jobs in public services): Official Gazette RH, No 25/13, 72/13, 151/13, 09/14, 40/14, 51/14, 77/14, 83/14, 87/14, 120/14, 147/14, 151/14, 11/15, 32/15, 38/15, 60/15, 83/15, 112/15, 122/15, 10/17, 39/17, 40/17 - Correction, 74/17, 122/17, 9/18, 57/18, 59/19, 79/19 and 119/19.

Ustav Republike Hrvatske (Constitution of the Republic of Croatia): Official Gazette RH, No. 85/10, consolidated text and 5/14 - Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia.

Zakon o liječništvu (Law on Medical Practices): Official Gazette RH, No 121/03, 117/08.

Zakon o osnovici plaće u javnim službama (Law on the Salary Base in Public Services): Official Gazette RH, No 39/09, 124/09.

Zakon o plaćama sudaca i pravosudnih dužnosnika (Law on Salaries of Judges and Judicial Officials): Official Gazette RH, No 10/99, 25/00, 01/01, 30/01, 59/01, 114/01, 116/01, 64/02, 153/02, 154/02, 17/04, 08/06, 142/06, 34/07, 134/07, 146/08, 155/08, 39/09, 155/09, 14/11, 154/11, 12/12, 143/12, 100/14, 147/14, 120/16, 16/19.

Zakon o plaćama u javnim službama (Law on Salaries in Public Services): Official Gazette RH, No 27/01, 39/09.

Zakon o radu (Labor Code): Official Gazette RH, No 93/14, 127/17, 98/19.

Zakon o zdravstvenoj zaštiti (Law on Health Care): Official Gazette RH, No 100/18; 125/19.

How to Cite
Klarić A., Švaganović M., & Cvitković M. (2020). Salaries of Healthcare Professionals in the Republic of Croatia. Medicine, Law & Society, 13(2), 105-122.