Obstetric Violence: The Brítez Arce Case and Its Relevance to Europe

  • André den Exter Eur


According to a recent Court ruling, Argentina has to take necessary action to prevent maternal death, including a campaign to inform women about their rights during pregnancy, childbirth and the post-partum care period, broadcasted on radio and television and available at all maternity clinics in the country. The court’s message is crystal clear: countries in America should take the problem of obstetric violence seriously. But what about European countries? It is argued that the message also affects reproductive policies in European countries.


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How to Cite
den Exter A. (2024). Obstetric Violence: The Brítez Arce Case and Its Relevance to Europe. Medicine, Law & Society, 17(2). https://doi.org/10.18690/mls.17.2.305-314.2024