Legal aspects of health implications caused by environmental distress

  • Rajko Knez University of Maribor,
Keywords: environmental protection, healthy living environment, legal remedies in environmental law, ECHR Art. 8, ECHR Art. 2, command-and-control approach, claims for damages, health


The article tries to explore legal consequences in cases where the environmental distress causes health implications for individuals. The author begins with the observations from two different angles, that is ex ante and ex post actions. Both approaches differ substantively, since the ex ante approach is applied by state authorities (command-and-control approach, de iure imperii acts), while the ex post approach is by a general rule initiated by individuals against polluters/state. Both approaches are discussed considering the application of EU rules and beyond (ECHR, Aarhus convention). The main emphasis is given to one of the biggest problems, that is the issue of causality, which discourages many plaintiffs from claiming damages. For the so-called post–industrial risks the conventional rules of causality do not suffice, which is why certain courts proposed that changes in this respect are necessary. In addition, the role of NGOs is emphasised, since the NGO can, especially in the ex ante approach, achieve better effects, especially when locus standi is assured.


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Author Biography

Rajko Knez, University of Maribor,
Ph.D., Full Professor, University of Maribor, Faculty of Law, Mladinska ulica 9, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia, email:


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ECtHR - L.C.B. v. the United Kingdom, judgment of 9 June 1998

ECtHR - Paul and Audrey Edwards v. the United Kingdom, judgment of 14 March 2002

ECtHR - Öneryıldız v. Turkey [GC], judgment of 30 November 2004

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ECtHR - Moreno Gómez v. Spain, judgment of 16 November 2004

ECtHR - Borysiewicz v. Poland, judgment of 1 July 2008

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ECJ - Case C-237/07 Janecek v Freistaat Bayern [2008] ECR I-6221

ECJ – C-404/13 The Queen, on the application of ClientEarth v The Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

ECJ - C-352/98 P, Bergaderm, ECR 2000. p. I-05291

ECJ - Case C-59/89 Commission v Germany [1991] ECR-I 2626

ECtHR - L.C.B. v. the United Kingdom, judgment of 9 June 1998

ECtHR - Paul and Audrey Edwards v. the United Kingdom, judgment of 14 March 2002

ECtHR - Öneryıldız v. Turkey [GC], judgment of 30 November 2004

ECtHR - Budazeva and Others v. Russia, judgment of 22 March 2008

ECtHR - Moreno Gómez v. Spain, judgment of 16 November 2004

ECtHR - Borysiewicz v. Poland, judgment of 1 July 2008

ECtHR - Giacomelli v. Italy, judgment of 2 November 2006

ECtHR - Hatton and Others v. the United Kingdom [GC], judgment of 8 July 2003

ECtHR - Deés v. Hungary, judgment of 9 November 2010

ECtHR - Kyrtatos v. Greece, judgment of 22 May 2003

How to Cite
Knez R. (2017). Legal aspects of health implications caused by environmental distress. Medicine, Law & Society, 10(1), 33-51.