LeXonomica 2025-01-22T16:26:40+01:00 Matjaž Tratnik Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Publishing frequency:&nbsp;</strong>2 issues per year<br><strong>Editor-in-Chief</strong>: Matjaž&nbsp; Tratnik<br><br><strong>LeXonomica</strong> is an open access peer-reviewed international journal for the study of law and economics. It is published twice a year, in June and December by University of Maribor, University Press and co-published by the Faculty of Law (Slovenia) and Institute for Economic Analysis of Law at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Law (Slovenia). The journal publishes articles that contribute to the better understanding and practice of law and economics and which are of interest to scholars, policy analysts, policymakers and practitioners. The focus of the journal is on the critical analysis of developments in law and economics throughout the world.<br><strong>Indexing</strong>: Emerging Sources Citation Index database (Web of Science), ScienceOpen, Dimensions.<br><strong>Licence</strong>: CC BY<br><img src="/public/site/images/admin/CC_by_mali_V12.png"></p> Steps Towards a Realisation of the Right to Have a Nationality 2024-12-19T11:43:09+01:00 Gerard-René de Groot Guayasén Marrero González <p>International standards regarding the acquisition and loss of nationality are increasingly being developed by various international institutions. This paper focusses on standard setting (in particular by the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union) with relevance for European countries. While international treaties on or including rules on nationality law are addressed, attention is also given to soft law instruments such as guidelines and recommendations. Moreover, several new standards have also emerged from the decisions of international courts. The authors conclude that all these rules have as result that&nbsp;the margin of appreciation for national governments and courts in matters related to nationality law matters is getting increasingly smaller.</p> <p>Povzetek</p> <p>Različne mednarodne institucije vse bolj razvijajo mednarodne standarde glede pridobitve in izgube državljanstva. Ta članek se osredotoča na določanje standardov (zlasti s strani Združenih narodov, Sveta Evrope in Evropske unije), ki so pomembni za evropske države. Obravnavane so mednarodne pogodbe o pravu o državljanstvu ali vključno s pravili o njem, pozornost pa je namenjena tudi instrumentom mehkega prava, kot so smernice in priporočila. Poleg tega je več novih standardov nastalo tudi na podlagi odločitev mednarodnih sodišč. Avtorja ugotavljata, da je posledica vseh teh pravil, da se polje proste presoje nacionalnih vlad in sodišč v zadevah, povezanih s pravom o državljanstvu, vse bolj zmanjšuje.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-19T11:11:08+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 University of Maribor, University Press Is It High Time to Redefine the Legal Framework on Cohabitation in Family Law? 2024-12-19T11:43:10+01:00 Nana Weber <p>Cohabitation is an institution of Slovenian family law quite similar in effect to marriage in that it creates the same rights and obligations. However, unlike marriage, its existence must be proved in each individual proceeding separately which creates difficulties, particularly in practice. This situation is exacerbated by the fact that the existence of cohabitation in the Slovenian Family Code is defined exclusively using rather vaguely defined legal standards. In this article, the author gives an overview of the current relevant case-law of Slovenian courts on cohabitation and discusses the possibilities for future legal regulation of the establishment of this community.</p> <p>Povzetek</p> <p>Zunajzakonska skupnost je institut slovenskega družinskega prava, ki je po svojih učinkih zelo podoben zakonski zvezi, saj ustvarja enake pravice in obveznosti. Vendar pa je za razliko od zakonske zveze njen obstoj treba dokazovati v vsakem posameznem postopku posebej, kar v praksi povzroča težave. Te težave dodatno poglablja dejstvo, da je obstoj zunajzakonske skupnosti v slovenskem Družinskem zakoniku opredeljen z uporabo precej ohlapno določenih pravnih standardov. Avtorica v prispevku podaja pregled aktualne relevantne sodne prakse slovenskih sodišč glede zunajzakonske skupnosti ter obravnava možnosti za njeno prihodnjo pravno ureditev.</p> 2024-12-19T11:20:29+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 University of Maribor, University Press The Right to Rest and Disconnect in the Slovenian Legal System – A Legal Reform in the Making 2025-01-22T16:26:40+01:00 Iza Beširević <p>The author discusses the legal aspects of the regulation of the right to daily and weekly rest and right to disconnect. The primary focus is on the study of Slovenian normative legal framework (with an emphasis on the amendment to the Employment Relationships Act, through which Slovenia regulated the right to disconnect). The measures to ensure the right to disconnect that employers must adopt (until 16<sup>th</sup> November 2024) should be, if possible, established through the collective agreement at the sector level. However, if a collective agreement with relevant content is not concluded, employers will have to adopt the measures themselves in their general acts. Following the review of sector collective agreements in the Republic of Slovenia (in September 2024), the author concludes that most collective agreements do not yet regulate the right to disconnect, and those that do, lack the necessary measures. Therefore, the inclusion of the right to disconnect at the statutory level has, so far, not resulted in any amendments to collective agreements regarding the right to disconnect. It should be noted that further research (of this kind) will have to be carried out in the forthcoming period in order to fully assess the impact of the legal reform in question.</p> <p>Povzetek</p> <p>Avtorica obravnava pravne vidike urejanja pravice do dnevnega in tedenskega počitka ter pravice do odklopa. Pri tem se osredotoča predvsem na normativni okvir slovenskega pravnega reda (s poudarkom na obravnavi novele Zakona o delovnih razmerjih (ZDR-1D), s katero je bila v Sloveniji uvedena pravica do odklopa). Ukrepi za zagotavljanje pravice do odklopa, ki jih morajo sprejeti delodajalci (do 16. novembra 2024), naj bodo, če je to mogoče, določeni v kolektivni pogodbi na ravni dejavnosti. Vendar pa, če do sklenitve kolektivne pogodbe z relevantno vsebino ne pride, bodo morali delodajalci ukrepe sprejeti sami v svojih splošnih aktih. Po pregledu kolektivnih pogodb na ravni dejavnosti v Republiki Sloveniji (v septembru 2024), avtorica ugotavlja, da večina veljavnih kolektivnih pogodb še ne ureja pravice do odklopa, tiste, ki jo urejajo, pa ne določajo ukrepov. Torej, vključitev pravice do odklopa na zakonsko raven do sedaj ni privedla do sprememb kolektivnih pogodb glede ureditve pravice do odklopa. Ob tem je treba izpostaviti, da bo za celovito oceno učinkov predmetnih zakonskih sprememb treba izvesti nadaljnje (tovrstne) raziskave še v prihajajočem časovnem obdobju.</p> 2024-12-19T11:29:04+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 University of Maribor, University Press A Plaidoyer on State Bankruptcy: Between Economic Reality and Legal Impossibility 2024-12-20T09:40:00+01:00 Dejan Bodul Pavle Jakovac Marko Tomljanović <p>The history of financial crises and their serious consequences have made them a key interest for both academics and policymakers. During periods of economic growth, bankruptcy was mainly viewed as a mechanism to eliminate uncompetitive firms. However, current global economic conditions, including inflation, decreased demand, rising production costs, the energy crisis, and financial collapses in certain markets, have made it difficult for many companies to service their debts. Outdated bankruptcy regulations have worsened the situation. In the context of globalization and the internationalization of business, modernizing bankruptcy laws has become essential. Various international institutions have advocated for reforms, including redefining the concept of state bankruptcy. This paper aims to analyze the role of the state in bankruptcy, focusing not on its role as a commercial creditor or debtor but as a potential subject of bankruptcy itself.</p> <p>Povzetek</p> <p>Zgodovina finančnih kriz in njihove resne posledice so postale ključnega pomena za akademike in oblikovalce politik. V obdobjih gospodarske rasti se je na stečaj gledalo predvsem kot na mehanizem za izločitev nekonkurenčnih podjetij. Vendar so sedanje svetovne gospodarske razmere, vključno z inflacijo, zmanjšanim povpraševanjem, naraščajočimi proizvodnimi stroški, energetsko krizo in finančnimi zlomi na nekaterih trgih, mnogim podjetjem otežile odplačevanje dolgov. Zastareli stečajni predpisi so razmere še poslabšali. Zaradi globalizacije in internacionalizacije poslovanja je posodobitev stečajne zakonodaje postala nujna. Različne mednarodne institucije so se zavzele za reforme, vključno s ponovno opredelitvijo koncepta državnega stečaja. Namen tega prispevka je analizirati vlogo države v stečaju, pri čemer se ne osredotočamo na njeno vlogo kot poslovnega upnika ali dolžnika, temveč kot potencialnega subjekta samega stečaja.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-19T11:42:52+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 University of Maribor, University Press