Journal of Elementary Education <p><strong>Publishing frequency</strong>: 4 issues per year<br><strong>Editor-in-Chief</strong>: Matjaž Duh<br><br><strong>The Journal of Elementary Education (JEE)</strong> is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes scientific articles primarily but not limited to the area of elementary school education. It brings together academics and researchers from different European countries who seek to promote a vigorous dialogue between scholars in various fields both central and related to scientific enquiry in education. JEE accepts articles which promote advances in education also from closely related fields in Slovene, English and German language.&nbsp;<br><strong>Indexing</strong>: Scopus, DOAJ, Dimensions.<br><strong>Licence</strong>: CC BY<br><img src="/public/site/images/admin/CC_by_mali_V14.png"></p> en-US (dr. Matjaž Duh) (dr. Jerneja Herzog) Thu, 27 Jun 2024 12:49:40 +0200 OJS 60 Reading Multimodal General Geography Textbook in Secondary School Classes <p>The discussion deals with the reading of multimodal texts by determining the student's ability to interpret content, expressed pictorially and verbally, while simultaneously understanding information from both semiotic resources.&nbsp;&nbsp;When reading multimodal texts, the student usually focuses on the verbal resource, and the pictorial one is considered marginal.</p> <p>We conducted research to understand: the dynamic in students’ meaning extraction from the textbook; their&nbsp;ability to understand the text; their greater attention to one resource or to both resources. The research proves that these students comprehend the information by focusing on the text, while the pictorial is interpreted as an addition.</p> Marianna Gergely Copyright (c) 2024 Marianna Gergely Mon, 24 Jun 2024 12:13:46 +0200 Development and Contemporary Understanding of Work-Based Learning <p>Serious criticism of didactic intellectualism in the past resulted in a range of pedagogical approaches to Work-based Learning as a response to this issue. A comparative overview of the development of work-based learning over time is presented in this article. Additionally, a temporal approach to work-based and workplace learning is explored. We see the change of WBL from being one part of individual pedagogical approaches to becoming part of policy recommendations. Finally, a discussion of the didactic features of contemporary Work-based Learning clearly positions it as a didactic model. The paper stresses the importance of WBL as a didactic model that is appropriate in all student-centred classrooms, regardless of the level of education.</p> Morana Koludrović, Višnja Rajić Copyright (c) 2024 Morana Koludrović, Višnja Rajić Mon, 24 Jun 2024 12:19:20 +0200 Recommendation Systems, Parents, and Preschool Children: The Story Behind Digital Technology <p>A survey was conducted in November 2023, involving 554 Slovenian parents and their preschool-aged children. The survey aimed to investigate the following: (i) the way parents and their preschool-aged children employ social media and digital technology; (ii) the parents’ comprehension of the term “information bubbles”, and (iii) the parents’ awareness of recommendation systems. Parental and child digital technology patterns and behaviours are correlated, according to the findings. The results suggest that most parents have a restricted understanding of the operational mechanisms of recommendation systems and how they contribute to the construction of “information bubbles.”</p> Lorena Mihelač Copyright (c) 2024 Lorena Mihelač Mon, 24 Jun 2024 12:19:54 +0200 Views of Elementary School Teachers and Slovenian Language Teachers on Interpretive Reading <p>The basis for modern planning of literature teaching is communication teaching. In the present study, we assumed that interpretive reading by the teacher plays a central role in the recommended model of school interpretation of literary texts for the development of student reading ability. We investigated the views of elementary school teachers and Slovenian language teachers on interpretive reading. A survey of 110 teachers revealed, among other things, that most consider appropriate interpretive reading in the classroom to be very important and that knowledge about it should be further developed. There was no difference between elementary school teachers and Slovenian language teachers in terms of knowledge about interpretive reading.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Tomaž Petek Copyright (c) 2024 Tomaž Petek Mon, 24 Jun 2024 12:20:26 +0200 Enhancing Technology Competence among Primary Students through STEAM Lessons Applying the Design Thinking Process <p>This study seeks to evaluate the impact of integrating elements of arts and humanities education into the topic of STEAM on the formation and development of students’ competence. The paper suggests a procedure for teaching STEAM subjects using design thinking approaches. Then, technology-related lessons were covered in practical pedagogical activities for grade 3 pupils at three primary schools in Hai Phong, Vietnam. The findings demonstrate that the suggested STEAM subject teaching methodology is workable and helps students develop eight distinctive behavioural markers of technical competence. As a result, this study offers primary school instructors a strategy for implementing STEAM instruction.</p> Hoai-Nam Nguyen, Hong-Duong Nguyen, Thanh-Trung Ta Copyright (c) 2024 Hoai-Nam Nguyen, Hong-Duong Nguyen, Thanh-Trung Ta Mon, 24 Jun 2024 12:22:07 +0200 Motor efficiency in Relation to Body Weight Status and Gender in Preschool Children <p>Deficits in motor skills and function are associated with overweight and obesity in children. This study aimed to investigate the development of motor efficiency in 3-4-year-old children over seven months and to identify possible gender and body weight status differences in motor efficiency. In the study, there were 45 children (21 girls, 24 boys), the mean age of whom was 39 months. Analysis of the results of testing for differences in motor efficiency according to body weight status and movement components showed no statistically significant differences (p&gt;0.05) between healthy weight and overweight children.</p> Miran Muhič Copyright (c) 2024 Miran Muhič Mon, 24 Jun 2024 12:22:41 +0200 Metacognitive Skills of Pupils in Primary Mathematics Education <p>In educational theory and research, metacognition is increasingly seen as an important predictor of successful learning – it is the key to learning and academic achievement. The study investigates "off-line" metacognition (i.e. the level of prediction and the level of self-evaluation) in relation to the solving of mathematical problems by primary school pupils. The research was carried out on a group of 311 pupils of 16 classes of primary schools. We used the test consisting of five tasks, which also included questions aimed at finding out the level of pupils' prediction and their level of self-evaluation. We processed the obtained data with the intentions of a quantitative methodological approach. It follows from the research findings that students who were successful in solving the tasks achieved a higher level of prediction and self-assessment than students who were not successful.</p> Eva Nováková Copyright (c) 2024 Eva Nováková Mon, 24 Jun 2024 12:23:53 +0200