Relationship of the Brussels I Regulation vis-à-vis Legal Remedies Provided by National Enforcement Laws

  • Damjan Orož Ljubljana Higher Court
Keywords: enforcement in the Member State of enforcement, foreign judgment, application for refusal of enforceability, objection against the enforcement order, creditor


Article discuss the impact of the Brussels I and Brussels I bis Regulations on Slovenian enforcement proceedings. The aim of the Brussels I bis Regulation is to ensure creditors a simpler but mostly quicker access to enforcement in case a judgment must be enforced in a state other than the Member State of origin. The new regulatory framework will certainly facilitate quicker access to enforcement for creditors. However, this can only be ensured categorically in the first phase of enforcement, i.e. the seizure of assets (distraint). In subsequent enforcement phases successful enforcement in favour of the creditor could be stayed if the debtor decides to enforce grounds used to challenge the enforceability of a foreign judgment. A major distinction is that the control of enforceability will only proceed if and when the debtor so requests.


Razmerje med Uredbo Bruselj I in pravnimi sredstvi, ki jih predvidevajo nacionalne ureditve izvršilnega prava


Prispevek obravnava vpliv Uredb BU I in BU I bis na slovenski izvršilni postopek. Namen BU I bis je upniku zagotoviti lažji, predvsem pa hitrejši dostop do izvršbe v primeru, da je treba sodbo izvršiti v drugi državi kot v državi izvora. Gotovo bo nova ureditev upniku zagotovila hitrejši dostop do izvršbe, vendar to lahko kategorično zagotovimo le za prvo fazo izvršbe, to je rubež premoženja. V kasnejših fazah izvršitve pa se utegne upniku uspešna izvršba odložiti, če se dolžnik odloči uveljavljati razloge, s katerimi bo nasprotoval izvršljivosti tuje sodne odločbe. Pomembna razlika je ta, da se bo kontrola izvršljivosti opravila le ko in če bo dolžnik to zahteval.


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Author Biography

Damjan Orož, Ljubljana Higher Court
Senior judge of the Ljubljana Higher Court, Tavčarjeva 9, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, e-mail:


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How to Cite
Orož D. (2018). Relationship of the Brussels I Regulation vis-à-vis Legal Remedies Provided by National Enforcement Laws. LeXonomica, 10(2), 149-160. Retrieved from